That B.E.A.T (Bagheri, 2012) Why did Beyonce use footage from this short documentary for Formation? To represent the culture in New Orleans. To save time and money. Allows Beyonce to explore aspects of African American culture. B.E.A.T is open and inclusive, while formation is exclusive and aggressive. Hyperreality- beyond reality. Term developed by Jean Baudrillard. This refers to the idea that representations within media texts are more real than which they represent. Some of these representations are simulacrum . This refers to a representation of something that no longer exists, or something that never exists. Idea that life is boring but the media product that represents certain events makes it more interesting. Key theory 5: Postmodernism- Jean Baudrillard. "It is no longer a question of imitation, nor duplication, nor even parody. It is a question of substituting the signs of the real for the real." Bricolage- A media product that combin...
Showing posts from March, 2018
Formation- Beyonce
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Conflict in the Formation music video: MES police car with B sitting on top of it symbolises rebellion, which is further anchored by her carefree and powerful facial expressions. Intertextual conflict- police persecution of black people. Hanging out of car, conflicts with B's calm facial expressions. Contrasts between poor, dilapidated neighbourhood and rich antebellum house. B is wearing an antebellum dress (she's dressed like a slave owner's wife). This signifies cultural appropriation, but also demonstrates B's power over the past. High key spotlight in empty pool, shorts, cop tops, loose afros and big glasses (70's style). Context: Formation is the lead single for the album Lemonade. It describes racial tensions in America and also draws historical parallels with references to racism and slavery. How does dance encode meaning in Formation? Middle finger symbolises a rebellion against slavery. The jewels she is wearing suggest wealth. Beyonce...
Representations in music videos
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Representation: What is it? Why should we care? -the way a producer represents a person, group, place etc. -it allows the audience to make sense of the world. -consistent exposure to certain stereotypes can cultivate different ideologies. -self fulfilling prophecy. Nicki Minaj- Anaconda (2014). (Representation of black women- bme, black minority ethnic). Long shot of reveals black women being sexualised, wearing little clothing (scantily clad). High angle shot of Nicki and two other women in a sexualised pose, looking into the camera. Set in a jungle- represents a message that black women are wild. Jungle= wild and uncivilised. Representation of a stereotypical black woman body type (curvy). She adopts a stereotypical housewife role in the kitchen. She subverts the housewife stereotype by sexualising food- implies black women are sexually promiscuous . Lil Pump- Gucci gang (Representation of young bme Americans). Mise-en-scene of the tiger suggests t...
Riptide (intertextuality)
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How does the video to Riptide encode feminist ideology? Presents a parody of sexism in music videos (close up "how to photograph girls," connotes that women are purely presented to be looked at by a heterosexual male audience). Many shots of women in stereotypical male clothing (low angle mid shot of a woman holding arms in a gesture that connotes power). Mid shot of blonde woman bound in mise-en-scene of tight ropes connotes the restrictions that women face in society, and is critical of the notion of women as the "weaker sex" (connotative of "being tied down" with maternal responsibilities etc). The video lacks anchorage which forces the audience to make own assumptions, simultaneously providing sexual gratification for male heterosexual audience, but also consistently informs the audience that scopophilia is creepy and not ok. Its an ironic representation of patriarchal hegemony (mid shot of man standing in front of woman with a torch in an ex...
Vance Joy- Riptide
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Metanarrative- also known as a grand narrative , this refers to an overarching narrative or system of beliefs that helps us make sense of the world. (e.g: science, religion, marriage, Karl Marx). Postmodern medium- (cannot have a definition) Aspects of postmodernism: "Style over substance"- valuing the looks of something over the depths of something. Distrust of form, convention and established conventions (postmodern products tend to break rules on purpose). Lack of distinction between "low" and "high" culture. Emphasises surface readings over deeper analysis. Vance Joy- Riptide No narrative structure. Most shots are only a second long. The woman can't lip sing (unconventional). Each shot has something to do with the lyrics ("dark side"- theres a shot of someones legs under the bed and its dark, "riptide"- a shot of a tide moving, "left-hand"- shots of people's left hands). Montage consistently mat...
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Pulp- babies (1994) How does this video create meaning? Diegesis: in the world of the narrative. The diegesis of sound is complicated. Its both diegetic and non- diegetic. The use of text/ graphics- (inter-title, usually used in silent films) to communicate explicit meaning of the video. Long shot at the beginning of the video introduces the band to the audience, slowly coming into focus. Mise-en-scene shows what is happening at the time (socio-political context, teenager's bedroom, working class, small, grubby). Mise-en-scene of the lead singer's costume- refuses to conform to hegemonic codes (not smart or fashionable). Close up of performers show that they are disinterested and unconfident (subversive of music video conventions). Mode of adress- constant use of hand gestures by the lead singer. Convergence: the coming together of two previously separate media industries. (e.g: music videos- coming together of the music industry and the film...
Music video- week one
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What is a music video? -A video that accompanies a song. -The visual aspects of a song (music video needs to look lie how the song sounds). -Often includes performance. - An advert for a song (helps promote the song). Music videos provide the audience with another level of entertainment. Polysemy- something with different meanings. Social and cultural contexts- whats going on in the world at the time. Construction- how the idea is built by the producer. The audience identifies with music more than any other media product. Music can be used as a form of comfort. Music can remind us of different times of our lives. It can help with social interaction (music allows us to make more friends). Music is intensely personal. A music video/ song can tell a story in around three minutes. France Gall- Baby Pop scopitone Scopitone- Video jukebox (used in French 60's music). The bright happy visuals create a binary opposition against the bleak, dark lyrics. Th...
Component one, two and three
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Component one- exam: (unseen texts). Advertising Newspapers Film industry Radio Music videos Video games 2 sections of component one: Section A- media language and representation. Section B- audience and industry. (e.g: film will only be in section B). Component two- exam: (products in detail): TV Internet Magazines (language, representation, industry and audience). Component three- coursework: Statement of intent (300-500 words long). Music video. Magazine (2-3 pages long, needs to link to the music video and artist).
Hand on your heart- Kylie Minogue
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Uses and gratifications How does it appeal to the audience? It has a lot of bright colours and love hearts- could appeal to young women (age 12-13). There are ideologies about love. The mise-en-scene of her hair appeals to the audience, it could be aspirational to the target audience. Mise-en-scene of her dress encodes the ideologies of the music video (this is shown in the heart on her dress). Her movement and facial expression may appeal to a heterosexual male audience. Constantly looking directly into the camera- direct adress. Different colours can encode different meanings (E.g: red= angry, blue= sad etc). Video doesn't anchor the audience because the visuals are completely different to the meaning of the song.
Audience pleasures, uses and gratification
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What possible ways can audiences use or take pleasure from media products? Sexual pleasure (e.g: finding a TV character attractive). Aspirational (audiences aspire to be like certain characters). Identification (audiences can identify with certain characters/ situations). Social interaction. Escapism (audiences sometimes want to escape reality, claiming that their lives are boring and missing something). Similar lifestyles (Seeing people of a similar age, social situation and with similar ideologies to the target audience). Use and gratifications for "prayer in c" Mise-en-scene- bottle of tequila symbolises a fun and carefree lifestyle. Use of graffiti symbolises rebellion and a youthful lifestyle. Surveillance/ voyeurism- Pleasure of seeing young adults drinking and having fun/ Information- Berlin in summer, drinking alcohol and breaking the law is fun. Sexual gratification- low angle mid shot of spinning girl in a short skirt positions audi...