Music video- week one

What is a music video?
-A video that accompanies a song.
-The visual aspects of a song (music video needs to look lie how the song sounds).
-Often includes performance.
-An advert for a song (helps promote the song).

Music videos provide the audience with another level of entertainment.

Polysemy- something with different meanings.

Social and cultural contexts- whats going on in the world at the time.

Construction- how the idea is built by the producer.

  • The audience identifies with music more than any other media product.
  • Music can be used as a form of comfort.
  • Music can remind us of different times of our lives.
  • It can help with social interaction (music allows us to make more friends).
  • Music is intensely personal.
  • A music video/ song can tell a story in around three minutes.
France Gall- Baby Pop scopitone

Scopitone- Video jukebox (used in French 60's music).

  • The bright happy visuals create a binary opposition against the bleak, dark lyrics. 
  • The setting (an office) is unconventional. 
  • The artist isn't looking at the camera. Its unconventional because usually the artists look at the camera. This suggests that she is awkward. 
  • Unconventional because the backgrounds don't look exciting (grey, bleak buildings, an office) however this architecture in the 1960's was seen as "cool" not boring.
  • The singer is seen as attractive.
  • The mise-en-scene of her outfit suggests that she is chic and fashionable (for 1960's standards).

REBECCA- Vanity Angel
  • The bright video creates a binary opposition against the sinister lyrics.
  • Mid shot- she's looking into the camera (direct mode of adress).
  • The lead singer may be seen as aspirational to young girls.
  • Extreme low angle, establishing shot shows the mise-en-scene of neon lights (an important convention of 80's music videos). 
  • Shows a stereotypical American apartment complex- gives the audience a feel that they're in America. Can be seen as "exotic" for the Japanese audience (escapism).


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