Target audience for Assassin's Creed III: Liberation

Pen portrait for the target audience for Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
(age, gender, class, lifestyle, cultural capital…)

Age: 14-20

Gender: Male

Class: Working class

Lifestyle: Student

Cultural capital: Nerd- no cultural capital


  • Some items of merchandise will only appeal to a niche audience 
  • Fan's way of demonstrating to the world that they're a hardcore fan of the video game. 

How does Assassin's Creed III: Liberation ands UBISOFT use technology to maximise audience consumption and to ensure sales?
  • Social media promotion 
  • Rereleases of the game on more consuls (play stations, ps3, pc etc).
  • Trailers

What happens if you play too many video games?
  • Attitude towards things/ other people change- e.g: if you play too much grand theft auto you'll become violent.
  • Square eyes
  • You become antisocial, developing an inability to interact with others in real life.
  • You'll become stupid 

This is an audience theory- the hypodermic needle model. Its a flawed model as it isn't necessary true this is because the majority of people who play video games aren't antisocial or violent. This claim that video games make you violent or stupid comes from older people, parents that don't like their children spending hours playing video games. 

There have been links to people playing too many video games who end up shooting people- media produces the ideology that video gamers are violent this is shown in newspaper articles with names such as "stab theft auto" and mentioning people spending "18 hours a day playing grand theft auto", then killing their school peers. The media represents video game users in a negative way.

How might assassin's creed 3 present a threat to the audience?
Problems are solved through violence in this game- there is a repetition of this, the ideology is reinforced through multiple reconstructions of this scene. cultivates the ideology that violence is the answer.

Moral panic: fear is created by the media over exaggerating events.

Amplification: Where the media pushes something out of all proportion.

Stuart Hall- Reception Theory
  • Preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings.
  • Encoding: producer places message/ ideology in media product.
  • Decoding: how the audience decodes the producer's ideology using a preferred, oppositional or negotiated reading of the producer's ideology.
  • Preferred treading of assassin's creed 3: violence solves everything, it's fun.


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