Riptide (intertextuality)

How does the video to Riptide encode feminist ideology?

  • Presents a parody of sexism in music videos (close up "how to photograph girls," connotes that women are purely presented to be looked at by a heterosexual male audience).
  • Many shots of women in stereotypical male clothing (low angle mid shot of a woman holding arms in a gesture that connotes power).
  • Mid shot of blonde woman bound in mise-en-scene of tight ropes connotes the restrictions that women face in society, and is critical of the notion of women as the "weaker sex" (connotative of "being tied down" with maternal responsibilities etc). 
  • The video lacks anchorage which forces the audience to make own assumptions, simultaneously providing sexual gratification for male heterosexual audience, but also consistently informs the audience that scopophilia is creepy and not ok.
  • Its an ironic representation of patriarchal hegemony (mid shot of man standing in front of woman with a torch in an exaggerated pose and situation- graveyard).
  • Sexualised images utilised as referential codes.

Intertextuality- One media product making reference to another media product.
  • It gives the audience a new way to relate to the product. 
  • Allows audience satisfaction because they'll know what it's about. 
  • It draws in a larger audience.

Paradigmatic features of the horror film "Suspiria" (1979):
  • Props- knives, noose, gloved hands, barbed wire.
  • Weak and vulnerable female protagonist- damsel in distress archetype (a type of character).
  • Colour scheme (70's style)- red, blue, white, many vibrant primary colours. These colours are typical for 1970's European horror movies. 
  • Soundtrack- use of suspenseful non-diegetic sound, diegetic female screaming.
  • Violent male antagonist.
  • Iconographic features like cherry red blood.
  • Retro fashion- particularly 70's, muted colours, 

Iconography in Riptide:
  • Heavily references the horror genre
  • Colours are dulled out, like in 70's horror movies.
  • Looks like its shot in technicolour (done in digital post production).

Surrealism- a french artistic "dream-like" movement originated in the early 20th century. Usually doesn't make any logical sense it only follows the logic of dreams not reality. 

How does Riptide make reference to surrealism and avant garde cinema?
  • Cuts from one point to another, without keeping the meaning of the narrative the same (no continuity).
  • Discontinuity.
  • Match on action- cut from something happening to the reaction of it (e.g: shot of a building exploding to a shot of a passerby's reaction of the explosion).
  • The reason why there is intertextual references to surrealist cinema is to provide audiences the gratification of social interaction.

Structuralist approaches: binary opposition

-It is day because we know its not night.
-We know Bart Simpson is naughty because Lisa Simpson is too good.
-Psycho is set in an isolated mote. We know the motel is isolated because the other locations in the movie are set in big, busy cities.

Why do producers use binary opposition?
-Creates comedy.


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