Pulp- babies (1994)

How does this video create meaning?

Diegesis: in the world of the narrative.
The diegesis of sound is complicated. Its both diegetic and non- diegetic.

  • The use of text/ graphics- (inter-title, usually used in silent films) to communicate explicit meaning of the video. 
  • Long shot at the beginning of the video introduces the band to the audience, slowly coming into focus.
  • Mise-en-scene shows what is happening at the time (socio-political context, teenager's bedroom, working class, small, grubby).
  • Mise-en-scene of the lead singer's costume- refuses to conform to hegemonic codes (not smart or fashionable). 
  • Close up of performers show that they are disinterested and unconfident (subversive of music video conventions).
  • Mode of adress- constant use of hand gestures by the lead singer. 

Convergence: the coming together of two previously separate media industries. 
(e.g: music videos- coming together of the music industry and the film industry).

Why do music videos exist?

  • Creates new form of entertainment.
  • Allows product to target new audiences.
  • Make money.
  • Synergy: where the interconnectedness of media products leads to a result of more of the sum of its parts. (e.: TV shows).
  • A different (and possibly better) way of listening to music.
  • Advertise a song/ artist/ band/ movie (if the song is from a movie soundtrack).
  • Music videos are easily shared by audiences (usually by younger people because they're always online) hence why they're advertised on the internet.
MTV- an American cable channel that showed music channels. It was popularised in the 1980's. 

What makes a music video a music video? Differences between films and TV shows:

Music videos:
  • Usually around 3-4 mins long. (convention of a music video. E.g: a 7 minute music video seems too long but a 7 minute film is too short).                                                             
  • Music videos are edited around a song.
  • Has a simpler narrative. 
  • Films have trailers,  music videos don't. 
  • A music video is more like an advert rather than the product. (Its equivalent to the trailer of a film- its the trailer (advert) for the song).
  • They tend to be hyper- energetic to the song (with use of editing- cut up and doesn't make as much sense).
  • Constant narrative changes (things like constant costume changes are normal in music videos but not in films)
  • Fast pace editing (shot lengths are shorter).
  • Direct mode of adress (artist usually looks at the camera).
  • Audience doesn't have to pay to watch a music video.
  • Usually around 1 hour 30 mins- 2 hours long.
  • Film is made first then music for it produced after.
  • Usually have a more complicated narrative/ storyline.
  • Theres an expectation that there should be a trailer for every film.
  • A film is the product (you pay to see the film, buy the dvd etc).
  • Films are more laid back (not always as energetic as films).
  • Slower pace editing.
  • Rarely use direct adress (films aren't taken as seriously when the actors look at the audience- its unconventional for a film).
  • Theres an expectation that the audience has to pay to watch a film.

Celebrity: attribution of a glamorous or notorious status to an individual in the public sphere.
  • Someone who is widely known. 
  • They usually have a bold personality or something about them that makes them stand out. 
  • Aspirational- can be a role model (not always a good role model).
  • The celebrity doesn't matter but the way they're represented does.

Applause- Lady Gaga

In what ways can the representation of Lady Gaga be encoded? How is she different to "ordinary" people?
  • Mise-en-scene of her weird outfits (she wears clothes that most people wouldn't wear- makes her unique)
  • Constant costume changes.
  • Always at the centre of attention (she's usually placed in the middle of every shot showing that she is important).
  • The spotlight (key light- main light) is always on her.
  • Mise-en-scene of her eye mask symbolises secrecy. 
  • There are many shots with her lack of costume, connoting her boldness.
  • She's breaking the hegemonic views of society by dressing in ways that make her interesting. 
  • Connotations of mise-en-scene where she is inside the cauldron implies that she is a difficult and unpleasant person.
  • High key lighting (instead of "bright light") connotes her importance. (Low-key lighting, when theres little light).
  • Mise-en-scene of the bouquet of flowers she is carrying symbolises that she's the main attraction, connoting her confidence and uniqueness. It can also be symbolic for her fan's love for her.
  • She's subverting the conventions of a celebrity (by not wearing make up), however, this also makes her a celebrity because she's standing out. 
  • Encoded as a God/ deity- she has no true identity (always looking different), her back up dancers seem like her devoted followers and she's usually standing on a platform.


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