Criticisms of late night women's hour: Boring- dull and uninteresting Repetitive- they keep talking about hogye. Relaxed, slow paced conversation. Middle class focus (main topic being hogye, has nothing to do with the working class). All female panel talking about female topics (argue that show is sexist towards men). Not relatable to majority of people, only some middle class women (e.g: criticism of ikea, they act like it is too common, implying that they are pretentious and snobby). "Winter mug"-what is it? Audience can't relate to having a "winter mug" Privileged- women talking about needing more than 20 books with her and books are expensive. Also makes her seem more educated than others. Exoticism- Danish guest used to sound "exotic" as she has a Danish accent. Scandinavian culture is a very middle class culture to aspire to- they're not talking about the countries but the rich, middle class culture. (stereotypes Scandinavian ...
Showing posts from January, 2019
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Product context: Late night women's hour is a spin off from the long running BBC radio 4 daily magazine program, women's hour. Broadcasts once a month, late at night, presented by Lauren Laverne and features a number of female panelists. Each episode focuses on a particular theme relevant to it's female audience. Broadcasted Friday nights at 11pm. Has a niche audience. Late Night Women's hour: Cultural- talking about Danish culture, food, social norms, inclusive. British culture is expanding, the domestic. Target audience- middle class, middle age women. Digital culture. Craft- homemade, handmade- domestic. Food- home cooking, collective element (Danish). Focus on Ikea, "i knew my marriage was over when he bought a wardrobe from Ikea"- snobby. Home as a sanctuary- historical references, gender roles. Middle class- posh accents and big words (e.g: democratisation). Lauren Laverne- Northern- working class accent but uses long, complex lexi...
Target audience for Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
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Pen portrait for the target audience for Assassin's Creed III: Liberation (age, gender, class, lifestyle, cultural capital…) Age: 14-20 Gender: Male Class: Working class Lifestyle: Student Cultural capital: Nerd- no cultural capital Merchandise Some items of merchandise will only appeal to a niche audience Fan's way of demonstrating to the world that they're a hardcore fan of the video game. How does Assassin's Creed III: Liberation ands UBISOFT use technology to maximise audience consumption and to ensure sales? Social media promotion Rereleases of the game on more consuls (play stations, ps3, pc etc). Trailers What happens if you play too many video games? Attitude towards things/ other people change- e.g: if you play too much grand theft auto you'll become violent. Square eyes You become antisocial, developing an inability to interact with others in real life. You'll become stupid This is an aud...
BBC Radio
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Exploring BBC radio Radio is a specialised industry (very different from video games, Tv- even produced differently). How is the audience grouped? (Age, gender, class, social, demographic etc) Issues with radio: Need to use a radio (usually in a car)- they are outdated. Sometimes there are problems with the signal- unclear or unavailable. On the BBC radio website, they rebrand their "BBC radio services" to "BBC sounds" . Instead of using radio waves, they use digital technology to show podcasts online. How do they make money as they have no adverts? Its a public service broadcast, they make their money from the BBC TV license fee. Swearing is acceptable in BBC radio but only after the watershed (9pm onwards). The BBC is an institution, different from another radio show. The BBC has certain exceptions from audiences it provides us with quality entertainment because everyone has to pay for it. The homepage is visually appealing with many differ...
Death Stranding Trailer
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Video games force the audience to negotiate in ways that films and TV shows don't The author is dead: People don't recognise the names of the author What the author intended is neither here or there. The audience has ended: The audience reacts to the producers product but they also produce their own products/content therefore killing the audience. As well as that the audience have a vast amount of options as they can choose to leave a review, stream product illegally etc. "End of audience" theories- Clay shirky (key theory 19) Audiences are no longer passive- communicate with media products in many different ways. Death Stranding (unreleased video game) -Producer famous of eccentric games, they often break rules. -Kojima productions, Hieo Kijma Death Stranding trailer: Bizarre iconography and completely lacking in genre conventions- not sure on the genre. Many invitations for active audiences to create "fan theories" Still no release...
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Aberrant reading: If you don't understand the producer's ideology at all. Preferred reading for Assassins creed: -Violence is acceptable if its towards the "bad guys"- binary opposition between good and evil. Also about gender equality- women can fight too. -Celebration of French history and culture (produced by a French company- they've suppressed their french culture in pervious games to widen their target audience). -Anti slavery, about fighting against slavery. Oppositional reading: -Violence shouldn't be used to solve problems. (an ideology like this is one believed by someone who doesn't like playing video games) -The game is boring and unenjoyable. -The game doesn't make any sense. Negotiated reading: -Violence can be used to defend those who are vulnerable but it should't be used to solve all problems. -The game is boring but the narrative has a good message (anti slavery). -The narrative is boring but the fighting, jumpin...
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation - audience matters
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Promotional material Banner ads Promotional trailers Videos of events Fan produced media (example let's plays) Reviews Print adverts Merchandise, including soundtrack CDs and T -shirts Posters (REVIEW) :// (PROMO TRAILER)
Revision- magazines
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How significant are economic factors in the magazine industry? Refer to Woman and Adbusters. 3 million copies of Woman magazine sold every week- magazine had a large and wide circulation. Only worth 7p- cheap as its a mainstream magazine. Soap advert- deliberately trying to get audience to buy soap reinforces hegemonic beauty standards. Adbusters is anti capitalist- rejecting capitalism, profit and money- however, its worth around £10. Its expensive as it isn't a mainstream magazine. Adbusters is a culture jamming magazine. Has no adverts- non profit hence why the cover price is high. Louboutain advert of a black person's feet in a poor area.
Assassins Creed Liberation 3 trailer & pegi
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How does the assassins creed 3 trailer target a specialised and generalised audience? Intertextuality at the end of the trailer- makes links to other companies like playstation, ps3, pegi18 etc. (this maximises profits as they'll make more money from featuring other brands). Advertising the game before its released. Black, female protagonists subverts the expectation that the target audience for video games is young, straight, white men. (an avatar/ player character/ main character). New missions, new targets, new features (exciting for pre existing fans). Common industry practice re release games to more popular consoles. Tackles ideological issues on race, slavery and colonisation. A touchy subject for audiences, pushing boundaries, increasing word of mouth sales. Intertextuality reference to jango unchained trailer- similar in the sense that there are shots of people hitting black slaves. High quality graphics, locations and soundtrack- it has high production valu...
Video games
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Sega game gear Sega game gear advert is targeting heterosexual teenage boys. It doesn't attempt to target a female audience at all implying that video games are only played by men. The advert suggests that video games are something that you use to pass time. What is a video game? Games that require you to own a particular consul. Video games tend to target a core/ niche audience. Video games usually have an interactive component. Usually played by younger audiences. The hypodermic needle model- if you play too many video games, you'll become stupid or violent. Vastly more complicated narratives. Often there is an online component to them. Video game production, distribution and circulation Like all industries, the video game industry is a specialised industry. In order to write about the video game industry and its peculiarities, you will need to know something of the history of video games. Context First video game was called space war- developed in 1...
Les Revenants
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Les revenants (scene where older man finds his wife has returned from the dead, eating food in his kitchen). Contrapuntal- against the point aspect/ idea. Tracking shot as he's walking to the kitchen- follows him in one take (conventional of a horror film where characters are followed with tracking shot to find a monster- our expectations are subverted as this man finds his dead wife in the kitchen and not a monster). All characters who've returned from the dead are hungry. Mise-en-scene of Julia's glasses suggest she is a nerd. The mise-en-scene of her flat also suggests she's a nerd from the stacks of books in her living room- she may appeal to a nerdy, unfashionable audience.
analysing an advert
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denotation- surface/ basic meaning. what you can see in this image: (basic analysis) colour red. attractive female model looking into the camera pictures of shampoo bottles(the product being advertised). lexis title- L'oreal (brand name). model's hair- shin, long, full of volume. offer on products (free conditioner..) the word "Paris". gesture of model's open palm. slogan "because you're worth it". Red lips. word "damaged"- repeated a few times. Proairetic code: model's hand gesture implies that something is about to happen, she's stopping people from getting too close or trying to draw attention to herself. Hermeneutic code: what is she wearing? Symbolic code: the colour red on her lips symbolises Another symbolic code is the shampoo bottle. Binary opposition between colour of her lips and of her dress- dress is black and lips are red. Mis-en-scene of her hair looking shiny and full of volume is a pr...