Video games

Sega game gear advert is targeting heterosexual teenage boys. It doesn't attempt to target a female audience at all implying that video games are only played by men.
The advert suggests that video games are something that you use to pass time.
What is a video game?
- Games that require you to own a particular consul.
- Video games tend to target a core/ niche audience.
- Video games usually have an interactive component.
- Usually played by younger audiences.
- The hypodermic needle model- if you play too many video games, you'll become stupid or violent.
- Vastly more complicated narratives.
- Often there is an online component to them.
Video game production, distribution and circulation
- Like all industries, the video game industry is a specialised industry.
- In order to write about the video game industry and its peculiarities, you will need to know something of the history of video games.
- First video game was called space war- developed in 1962. Computers were new at the time, very few people had them, so the game wasn't well known.
- Some of the first video games were role playing games.
- Space invaders 1979- start of Japanese arcade games.
- Centipede 1981- start of American arcade.
- At first, people were only able to play video games in arcades.
- Micro computers in the UK- bedroom coding (usually made by teenage boys at home).
- E.T video bankrupted Atari, they had to burry millions of copies as it was cheaper than selling them.
- Japanese imports- Dragon quest (similar to pokemon) a Japanese roleplaying game.
- Adventure games- a genre of video games where you have to solve puzzles and working out solutions to problems.
- Mario was created in 1986 by nintendo (Japanese company)- most successful video game ever created. It was popular as it was marketed towards kids.
- Street fighter 1991 (a popular arcade game)- Female character was introduced in the second street fighter game and became very popular.
- Consuls were released in 1994, first one being sony play station one.
- Video game consuls are usually cheap- companies tend to make money from the video games rather than the consuls.
- Theres a huge difference between video games and genres.
- AAA game- a game that takes thousands of people to make.
- Developer of tomb raider- Female player is always being shown from behind- sexualised.
- They are regulated in a different way to films (pegi rather than bbfc).
Sony play station one TV advert
- Uses stereotype that playing too many video games will make you stupid to advertise it to a niche target audience.
In what ways do video games represent a specialised industry? How do they differ from other media?
- Interactivity
- Huge expenditure of resources.
- Much higher RRP (recommended retail price).
- Significantly longer length than a movie or mv.
- A dedicated "core" target audience.
- Games developed for specific hardware, or released multiplatforrm.
Assassin's Creed III- liberation.
- Published by Ubisoft in 2012 for the playstation vita, with a HD re-release for playstation 3 and Xbox 360. (link for trailer).
- This video game has a narrative- makes trailer look cinematic like a movie.
- Dramatic music conventional of a movie.
Component 1, section B- (unseen text) advertising, newspapers or music videos.
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