Humans vs Real humans Matilda in British version is more unpleasant than in the Swedish version. British version contains British stereotypes and Swedish version contains Swedish stereotypes. In the Swedish version, a factory worker punches his wife from the first episode to shock the audience. More domestic violence in Swedish version. Swedish version represent foreign workers (factory workers in the show aren't Swedish)- implies racism. More prostitution in the Swedish version- especially sex trafficking.
Showing posts from November, 2018
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Regulation- the rules and restrictions that a media product needs to follow Why do regulations exist in television? The primary reason is so children don't see particular content that involves violence, taboo language and sexual things- for children, these things may be traumatising. The watershed- a voluntary time tv channels put shows with lack of restrictions (usually after 9). Audience theory: Active Passive Harm and offence: Hurts peoples feelings or upsets them. Could be blasphemy. Sonia Livingstone and Peter Lunt- Theory of regulation They believe media in general is much harder to regulate, primarily due to digital technologies- like the internet. Self regulation- Parents putting a pin on certain channels/ shows, so their children can't view the content. Explicit content in Humans: Sexualised- wearing tight clothing She's trapped inside a room implying that she's there against her own will- may be offensive to some people...
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The target audience for Humans: Age: 31 Gender: Male Nationality: British Location: London Sexuality: heterosexual Demographic: Psychographic: anti social, doesn't know how to talk to girls, lack of communication skills Socio-economic class: working class Occupation: Gamer probably works from home Hobbies: Gaming, reading comics, watching porn Channels aren't sold to advertisers. The audience is sold to the advertisers in order for their viewing. Television Genre codes and conventions Genre theory Genre fluidity Camera work - framing and composition shot types, angle, position, movement Lighting and colour Editing – pace, type of edits, continuity Narrative construction, related to narrative theory Sound – dialogue, music Mise-en-scene – setting and location, props, costume/dress, hair/make-up Establishing shot of nuclear family (stereotypical; two parents and two kids) sitting around the table- cr...
Channel 4
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Channel 4 Ideology: "Our aim is to maintain the salience of Channel 4’s remit and values in the new media landscape of the digital age. Channel 4 will increasingly grow its strengths from its core of terrestrial broadcasting to provide creative content across different media platforms. Events as different from each other as “Kumbh Mela” and “Big Brother” have demonstrated the resonance of such multi-media events and we will build upon them. Our ambition is to remain true to our unique role in UK broadcasting. We are a commercial broadcaster, with a funding structure and public service remit to provide diverse and innovative programming and services. We are there to offer a benchmark of quality and innovation, providing competition to commercial and public sector broadcasters alike. Channel 4 aims to set ambitions for innovation in British media that others aspire to meet." First film shown by Channel 4 was L'Age D'Or in 1982 even though it was banne...
Humans- persona synthetics
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How does this product use intertextuality? Humans opening scene of the close up of the eye has intertextuality to blade runner. Both are of the Sci-fi genre and blade runner has lots of shots in the opening scene of a close up of an eye which is similar to the opening shot of the eye in humans. Synths created to look as close to humans as possible, only differences being their speech is monotone and robotic and they stand upright and walk straight (makes the synths seem awkward and robotic voice makes them seem less human and more robot). Persona Synthetics This website is a form of marketing. Trying to sell the product. The website allows audiences to explore the narrative of the show humans, beyond the show. The return packing slip it proairetic code as it suggests that something is about to go wrong as something is being returned. The show is about technology and how we use and rely on technology. This website is a from of immersion as someone h...
TV: Distribution, Circulation and Marketing in Humans
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Mass media- TV is the first example of mass media. TV can be used for purposes of propaganda so the audience can be influenced, suggesting they are passive. (Passive audience theory). Distribution, Circulation and Marketing Distribution: how media product reaches the audience. Circulation: how many people see the media product. Marketing: how we advertise/ promote and sell the media product. How does distribution, circulation and marketing link into the "humans" trailer? It was distributed on Youtube as opposed traditional television broadcast- more people can see it this way as youtube is easily assessable, even people from other countries. Audience can share it online- becomes viral. Rich in hermeneutic codes: an additional family member in strange, unnatural clothing, Invites discussion. No clear product that is being advertised. Intertextual references- Close up shot of awkward smiles from the synthetic maid functions ...
Hyperreality & Postmodernism
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Post Modernism- the idea that we need something new, all theories are bad/ incorrect- a criticism of theories. It is anti theory. Hyperreal is more attractive/ makes more sense. Due to a series of representations, we have created a hyperreal construction of reality- a fake reality. Key theory 1- Roland Barthes, Semiotics. The ways in which a producer creates meaning in a media product. Signs: anything that can have meaning. Signifiers: if it creates meaning. Signifieds: the meaning that is created. Simulacra- a representation of something that never existed to begin with. (e.g: cyborgs in Humans) Humans and Simulacra The parallel world to our own is a hyperreality- it is the present or near- future re-presented from a mediated perspective. It may be argued that the series itself is a comment on the attractions of the hyperreal over the real- e.g: Joe's sexual attraction to Anita. Key theory 5- Jean Baudrillard, Postmodernism In postmodernism culture, the bo...
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Van Zoonen Male gaze Underlying frame of reference that women belong to the family and domestic life and men to the social world of politics and work. Argues gender is constructed and that its meaning varies dependent on cultural and historical context. She suggests that masculinity as well as femininity is constructed- and that the codes used to construct men "as a spectacle" are different. John Berger Men act, women appear. Within a narrative, it will be male characters who drive the narrative forward. Humans: Ensamble cast. Around 20 main characters in first episode. Story Arcs in "Humans": Hawkins family- mom was away for work. Leo trying to find Anita. George and ODI. Flashback- Leo and Anita. Niska in the brothel. Fred (a synth) in the plantation, picking oranges. Matilda (teenage daughter) struggles with a synth in the house. Synths in the warehouse. Detective's wife and synth. Anita kidnaps Sophie. How is Leo ...
mini mini mock
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Men/ women. Laura/ Anita. Cyborgs/ humans. feminist theory- madona and whore- anita and niska. USE EVIDENCE- reference to a key scene. According to Claude Levi Strauss, texts convey their meanings through a system of binary oppositions. Evaluate this structuralist theory. refer to "Humans". The use of binary oppositions in humans is important. In particular there is one binary opposition in Humans that dominates all the others. This is the feminist theory about the whore and the madonna. This theory implies that a whore is a female that heterosexual males desire but due to her sexual history she is seen is unclean. The madonna on the other had, references to the virgin Mary. Males see her as innocent and clean however, there is a lack of sexual desire for the madonna due to her lack of sexual history. This theory links in with humans as there is a binary opposition between two of the character who are both cyborgs- Anita and Niska. Anita is seen as the Madonna in t...
Representation of women and Cyborgs
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Cyborgs- half human/ half machine (term only used within the sci-fi genre). A cyborg is like binary opposition because its both human and robot (two opposite things). Blade runner- SCOTT her skin is sliver (robotic) however her figure is identical to female. she's got autonomy but is also automaton. Autonomy- having control over your own life. Automaton- something/ someone with no control over themselves (a robot for example). representation of things that don't exist. ideologies are related to beliefs- shown through representation. Representation- a producer shows something again- people, groups, society and their values and ideologies. Producers goal is to manipulate the audience into believing something or feeling a certain way about something. (cultivates an ideology into the audience's minds). What roles do women/ synths adopt in "Humans"? Maid/ housewife (domestic roles)/ butler/ care giver- they're all s...
sci-fi genre and sociohistorical context
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Allegory= a media product that can be interpreted to revel a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. Zeitgeist= the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time. "The spirit of the time." Godzilla Godzilla represents the Americans bombing Japan. The dinosaur was used as the evens were too raw only 5 years ago. Invasion of the saucer-men Russian spies infiltrating American society. Aliens represent the Russians. Independence day Global terrorism associated with the middle east. White house represents all of America. "Humans" Sci-fi conventions: blue eyes. robots- robotic speech. themes of artificial intelligence. synth factory, clean, blue lighting. robots have a stiff performance. Why its unconventional: very realistic real world setting (only difference is that there are robots). In what ways does "Humans" use genre conventions to explore real world ...