TV: Distribution, Circulation and Marketing in Humans

Mass media- TV is the first example of mass media.

TV can be used for purposes of propaganda so the audience can be influenced, suggesting they are passive. (Passive audience theory).

Distribution, Circulation and Marketing

Distribution: how media product reaches the audience.

Circulation: how many people see the media product. 

Marketing: how we advertise/ promote and sell the media product. 

How does distribution, circulation and marketing link into the "humans" trailer?
  • It was distributed on Youtube as opposed traditional television broadcast- more people can see it this way as youtube is easily assessable, even people from other countries. 
  • Audience can share it online- becomes viral. 
  • Rich in hermeneutic codes: an additional  family member in strange, unnatural clothing, Invites discussion.
  • No clear product that is being advertised.
  • Intertextual references- Close up shot of awkward smiles from the synthetic maid functions as a proairetic.
  • Cheesy American style commercial. American voiceover- connotations of American stereotypes of happiness and confidence. 
  • Takes on the conventional of an American style medication advert. The mise-en-scene is far too clean, and the gestures of the synth are often threatening. 
  • Intertextual references to sci-fi corporations like Tyrell.
  • "Faster than before"- suggests a previous 


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