Hyperreality & Postmodernism

Post Modernism- the idea that we need something new, all theories are bad/ incorrect- a criticism of theories. It is anti theory.

Hyperreal is more attractive/ makes more sense.
Due to a series of representations, we have created a hyperreal construction of reality- a fake reality.

Key theory 1- Roland Barthes, Semiotics.
The ways in which a producer creates meaning in a media product.

Signs: anything that can have meaning.
Signifiers: if it creates meaning.
Signifieds: the meaning that is created.

Simulacra- a representation of something that never existed to begin with. (e.g: cyborgs in Humans)

Humans and Simulacra
The parallel world to our own is a hyperreality- it is the present or near- future re-presented from a mediated perspective.

It may be argued that the series itself is a comment on the attractions of the hyperreal over the real- e.g: Joe's sexual attraction to Anita.

Key theory 5- Jean Baudrillard, Postmodernism
In postmodernism culture, the boundaries between the "real" world and the world of the media have collapsed and that it is no longer possible to distinguish between what is reality and what is simulation.

What makes media products postmodern?

  • Breaking rules, conventions and stereotypes.
  • Criticism of narratives- postmodern texts usually try to distance themselves from traditional ways of making meaning, and will break the rules of existing meta narratives such as religion or science. 
  • Rejection of high culture- postmodern texts will often use a deliberately "trashy" aesthetic.

Intertextuality and postmodernism:

Intertextuality- the postmodern texts often make reference to other texts, cultures and other times. This "cobbling together" of disperate themes is also known as bricolage.

Intertextuality- breaking the 4th wall, where a character directly addresses the audience as she is looking right into the camera, at the audience. 
-Humans breaks the 4th wall so the audience can talk about it.


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