The target audience for Humans:
Age: 31

Nationality: British
Location: London
Sexuality: heterosexual
Psychographic: anti social, doesn't know how to talk to girls, lack of communication skills
Socio-economic class: working class
Occupation: Gamer probably works from home
Hobbies: Gaming, reading comics, watching porn
Channels aren't sold to advertisers. The audience is sold to the advertisers in order for their viewing.
- Genre codes and conventions
- Genre theory
- Genre fluidity
- Camera work - framing and composition shot types, angle, position, movement
- Lighting and colour
- Editing – pace, type of edits, continuity
- Narrative construction, related to narrative theory
- Sound – dialogue, music
- Mise-en-scene – setting and location, props, costume/dress, hair/make-up
- Establishing shot of nuclear family (stereotypical; two parents and two kids) sitting around the table- creates aspirational audience for the 30 year old male audience.
- Slow pan to the mise-en-scene of the breakfast table, easily identifiable scene for the middle class audience.
- Close up shot of Laura's facial expression to establish her dislike of Anita- relatable situation for target audience who may debate weather or not to get a maid or cleaner.
- "This is what breakfast is supposed to look like"- A low key dig at Laura, implying that she's failing to provide for her family and play the role of mother.
- High key lighting
- Sound- Anita's repetitive laughter.
- Setting is unconventional of genre conventions as its set in a home but sci-fi is stereotypically meant to be set in space or a science lab etc.
- Hermeneutic code- mysterious and confusing- two separate narratives that are happening at the same time, one is dystopian, the other isn't.
- Provides a hyperreal fantasy aspiration for the middle class audience- a family sitting around the table, having breakfast.
- MES of clothing- dressing gowns, unconventional of sci-fi but conventional of the sitcom genre.
- MES- unconventional of the sci-fi genre, makes the show more interesting and can attract different target audiences.
- Creates debates- argument between Laura and Matilda over Anita.
Akta Manniskor- real humans (Swedish version of humans)
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