Revision- component 1, section A

Component 1:
section A- unseen texts
Section B- industry and audience

Component 2:
-online media

Component 1 section A (45 min)

Explore the ways in which these adverts use representations to position audiences

(use as a plan- each point being a paragraph) make references to:

  • how groups are represented
  • intertextuality
  • genre conventions
  • viewpoints and ideologies
Us- official trailer (make notes on how it creates meaning and representations)

  • black people listening to hip hop- stereotype
  • music- create tension, conventional of horror genre.
  • violin scratching noise- conventional of horror genre
  • white rabbits- unconventional of the horror genre as they're associated with children's tv.
  • mise-en-scene of setting- big house in suburbs, subverts the stereotype that African Americans live in the hood.
  • codes: white rabbits are symbolic of childhood, knives are symbolic of murder- associated with slasher sub-genre.
  • subversive symbolism of rabbits.

differences between Us trailer and kiss of the vampire movie trailer:
  • one is old, the other is modern 
  • one is print (the old fashioned way of advertising a trailer) and the other is video.
  • token white characters, main focus on black characters (token characters are characters of another ethnicity which are included in the film for the sake of it, even though they're usually irrelevant characters- subverses norms as usually these characters are ethnic minorities but in this film the token characters are white).
  • genders in both are represented differently- possibly according to historical contexts of the time.
  • both include low key lighting
  • kiss of the vampire has a heavy focus on stereotypes whereas us trailer, subverts horror genre norms in different ways. 
  • mise-en-scene
  • framing and composition
  • binary opposition
  • codes- hermeneutic (question/ suggests mystery), proairetic code (Action code- what will happen next), symbolic code (anything with a deeper meaning)
  • stereotypes
  • lexis- sans serif and serif font
  • anchorage of images and texts
  • narrative
  • cinematography- shot types
  • intertextuality
  • ideologies
  • editing
  • representations of gender
  • bell hooks- feminist theory
  • ethnicity
  • genre conventions- horror genre.
  • Judith butler- gender performativity
  • character archetypes
  • music and sound
  • referential code- child in trailer wearing a jaws t-shirt, horror genre.
  • low key lighting 

If a question is 12 marks or more, there needs to be an intro created using DAC 
(can work in any order)

D= definition 
(representation and positioning and why it is important to the audience).
Positioning is an essential technique for producers as it allows the audience to be placed in a particular situation. One of the most effective ways to do this is through the representation of a group, issue or event.

C= contexts
In order to explore this idea,  shall be referring to the theatrical poster for the 1963 British hammer horror film kiss of the vampire, and the 2019 theatrical trailer to the modern horror film Us.

A= Argument 
There are similarities in how representations position audience through horror paradigms, however Us focuses primarily on a black African American family which is highly subversive/ atypical for the horror genre.

how groups are represented, viewpoints and ideologies in Kiss of the vampire:
  • women are sexualised mise-en-scene of their nightdresses
  • This poster clearly isn't from this time because of the slip dresses worn by the women (something that was popular in the 1960's but not anymore).
  • It might have romantic relationships because of the two women and two men.
  • The women are wearing night dresses (which isn't considered decent in the 1960's), this could appeal to heterosexual males because it could give them pleasure.
  • The poster seems to show dominance in one of the male characters, this could mean that men are the target audience because they would enjoy watching something that represented them as strong and powerful. 
  • Character archetypes- damsel in distress, sexualisation of females, women are objectified.

  • Historical context: the first stereotypical vampires are from the 1800's. Classical horror films are often period dramas and this is backed up through the mise-en-scene.
  • Gesture and performance of the women reinforces their role within the film, and conform to hegemonic norms and standards.
  • woman on left takes the role of "damsel in distress" archetype, positioning the audience in the role of a heterosexual man.
  • Mise-en-scene of darkness, the night setting is connotative of the horror genre and is highly typical. Positions the audience as fans of the horror genre.
  • Lisbet Van Zoonen- male gaze: mes (or iconography) of the exposed skin and combination with the stereotypical attractiveness of the women assumes a heterosexual male target audience, and reinforces ideas ofd patriarchy.
  • Iconography of the full hints at the supernatural elements of the film, positioning the audience through the use of hegemonic codes. 

how groups are represented, viewpoints and ideologies in Us:
  • Almost exclusively black cast would be unthinkable in 1963 as the film would've been seen as financially unviable. Therefore, for a horror film its a very atypical situation.
  • Father wears a harvard shirt, connotative of wisdom, intelligence, and middle class identity.
  • Subverts the stereotypical middle class family through the main character's ethnicity.
  • Target audience is black audiences.
  • All black cast positions audience as a young, middle class black person, sharing the expectation that the audience are predominately white.
Intertextuality genre conventions
  • Ink stains function as a hermeneutic code, and are highly paradigmatic of the psychological horror genre, to target a specific audience.
  • Extreme close up of woman's crying face- connotative of tho film and positions the target audience directly with the young black protagonist (Referential code to directors earlier film "get out") its also a reference to other horror films like alien and Halloween. 


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