The zoella apartment video

How (and why!) have stereotypes in this media product been used both positively and negatively?
mistakes left in the video:
positive as it creates authenticity, makes her seem more down to earth and real.
negative as it makes her seem lazy, unprofessional and clueless (stereotype often linked in with women).
fairy lights in her website:
stereotypically girly but is positive as it appeals to her target audience of young girls.
can be viewed as basic- negative stereotype as there's nothing special or authentic about her.

  • Zoella is conforming to hegemonic standards 
  • Zoella's target audience is precise and specific.

The zoella apartment video
How are women constructed in this video?
  • over enthusiastic and happy- always smiling- it looks fake.
  • man in the video is included in the video for the female gaze, to be looked at and admired by heterosexual women. 
  • video is made for people who watch her other videos (existing fans would understand inside jokes and know she has anxiety)
  • She keeps playing with her hand (stereotypically feminine) and looking at herself in the camera as if she's admiring herself.
  • repetitive (keeps talking about going to London).
  • high pitched voices when talking to the dog- annoying.
  • Zoella is being sold in this video- she is the commodity fetish, people are meant to obsesses over her- not buying a normal scented candle but a zoella candle.
  • Nasally, high pitched voice- suggests individuality but can also be stereotypical for a female to have a high pitched voice.
Zoella is non sexualised, this isn't popular on the internet anymore as people look for an "instagram badie" type character.

Zoella appears to be chaste- she never talks about sex, is childlike and acts innocent. Sex and sexualisation isn't part of her brand making her a subversive representation of women as women are used t o sexually attract heterosexual males and inspire other women. 


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