Online media

Online media- media products distributed using the internet.

Vlogging- the activity or practice of posting short videos to or maintaining a vlog.

We are in the age of participatory culture, the audience have a direct connection to the producers when they're making a product.

Vlogging has a younger target audience.

Producers sell audiences.

  • Vlogs are aspirational.
  • Vlogs have the advantage that we are able to relate to the person.
  • Vlogs have an unscripted narrative meaning they know exactly what they're going to say. 
  • Authenticity- being real. This is one of the appeals of vlogging as they are real. 
  • Hyperreality- more "real" than reality.
  • Vlogs use a direct mode of address (the vlogger looks directly at the camera)- they break the fourth wall.
  • Audience interaction- audience can interact with her by commenting on her vlogs.

Do you understand your cat's behaviour?

  • Pseudo science
  • Why do people watch his channel? its more interesting than reading a book about cats.
  • Subverts the "crazy cat woman" stereotype. The mise-en-scene of his 6 guitars suggests he is a rocker which is unconventional for a "cat woman."
  • 50's rocker style. shown in mis-en-scene of his tattoos and piercings.
  • "He challenges both the traditional cat lover stereotype with his tattooed arms, guitar cases and the way cats are perceived."
  • He has personality as he seems unique.
  • Authenticity is shown in his personal identity, it s set in his house so the audience has an idea of who he is.
  • Low production value- bad lighting and unscripted.
  • Font used to make an educational video seem more fun and interesting- targeted towards the standard individual with a cat rather than an intelligent person.
  • Direct mode of address, he is looking into the camera and uses direct lexis such as "your cat.."
  • Jackson Galaxy- probably not his real name but created to sound cool, edgy and unique.


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