Key Assessment (June)

Revision for mock exam

Sonia livingstone &peter lunt (key theory 13)- regulation.
Newspapers can't use slander, online however, its different.

David Hesmondhalgh (key theory 14)- cultural industries
Media producers try to minimise risk and maximise audiences through vertical and horizontal integration, and by formatting their cultural products. e.g: through use of stars, genres and serials.

Key terms:

  • Distribution- how producer gives product to audience.
  • Production- how product is made.
  • Circulation- Number of copies printed.
Jargon- subject specific language.

Technological change (internet) vs printed newspaper

Printed newspapers have a lower circulation than before (18% lower for daily mirror).

Advantages of Print based media:
  • Employs more people.
  • Not reliant on technology.

Disadvantages of print based media:
  • Circulation costs money
  • Distribution costs money. 
  • People have to leave their house to buy it.
  • Younger generations access everything online.
  • Distributed to shops early in the morning so by the time people get the news, it could've changed or people could've already seen the news online or on TV.
Advantages of online media:
  • Anyone can see it.
  • People are more open to share their opinions/ beliefs online (can be a good thing).
  • Instant.
  • Free.
  • Targeted advertising (newspaper could make more money from online advertising).

Disadvantage of online media:
  • People are more open to share their opinions/ beliefs online (can be a bad thing).
  • Reliant of wi-fi. If theres no signal/ connection then people can't see the news.

30 mark question

To what extent (give opinion- must be argumentative) has sociohistorical (based on history and society) context influenced representations in the magazines you have studied? make reference to Adbusters and woman.
  • Make points in relation to the question.
  • Intro/ conc (sum up argument for conc- least important part).
  • Highlight key terms.
  • Plan at top of page (for more marks) bullet point key theories, words and things to reference.
Argument- :"i shall argue that sociohistorical context has a massive impact on the way magazines are influenced."

-Woman (lifestyle mag, IBC media). 
-Adbusters (culture jamming mag, adbusters foundation- independent publisher).

Both magazines have been influenced by society changes of that time.

Woman magazine is not progressive in terms of representation of women (e.g: the article about using "the man in your life" to help build a kitchen- makes assumption that woman reading the article is straight and has a husband/ boyfriend). It reinforces stereotypical representations of women and patriarchal hegemonic rules.  

Woman magazine:
  • Sexualisation of women was normal in the 50's  (Alfred Hitchcock article and how he sexualises and objectifies women). 

Adbusters magazine:
  • Adbusters- anti capitalist (goes against advertising and media industries)
  • "Post-west" title used in one magazine- political.
  • Fake Loubouton advert- "red soles are always in season" (criticising government for not helping the poor, the loubouton company and people who buy high end fashion)
  • Semiotics.
  • Stereotypes and hegemony
  • Objectification and sexualisation. (for woman and adbusters).
  • Combining different adverts.
  • Culture jamming.
  • Dark comedy.
  • Satire.
  • Subverts representation of women.
  • Binary opposition against poverty and wealth- article of overpriced tap vs girl sitting in an empty bathtub with an article on poverty (she can't afford water).


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