The representation of women in adbusters is subversive. It subverts the traditional representation of gender  in magazines. An example of this would be the page in which Adbusters shows a catwalk in the lower image and a group of people behind barbed wire in the top picture. This subverts the norm of a magazine as it shows two images which are edited to show binary opposition. The gender norms are being subverted because it goes against the hegemonic ideas about gender (shown in the catwalk photo). The binary opposition between the two images could cause conflict. The bottom image is in colour, suggesting wealth and joy, whereas the top image is in black and white, suggesting poverty and misery. Images in adbusters often lack anchorage, allowing the readers to assume their own backstory and suggests that the reader has knowledge. Adbusters often show culture jamming in their images. Adbusters have used an image of a woman's legs. This is subversive because it hasn't shown her face, therefore showing emphasis on her legs. The image has been culture jammed to express their dominant ideology.
  • Dominant ideology of Adbusters is attacking ads and the money companies/ brands make from adverts. (Anti capitalist).
  • Consumerism is a symptom of capitalism.
  • Capitalism is a society based around money.
  • Representation is a way of manipulating the audience.

What is the ideology/ ethos (beliefs/ rules) of AdBusters?
  • They want to go against the norms of the magazine industry.
  • Left wing beliefs.
  • Anti Marxist.
  • Their genre is culture jamming because they bust adverts.
  • Driven by the idea of communicating freely.
  • It more personal/ connected to the audience through their website.
  • They have no adverts, however the magazine is crammed with parody adverts, not real ones. 
  • They don't have an office accepting open admissions from anyone.

How is the ideology and ethos evident in the set edition of AdBusters?


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