Commodity fetishism: giving significant value to an object. It's the process of ascribing magic "fantom-like" qualities to an object, whereby the human labour required to make that object is lost once the object is associated with a monetary value for exchange.

Marxism: conflict between working class and ruling class.
ruling class exploit the working class, keeping them working class because they can control them and keep them where they are.

  • Traditional representations of gender.
  • Personification of the tap, giving it a sex and a personality.
  • Commodity fetishism.
  • The tap is the fetish.
  • The tap is shown to be more important than the water itself. 

Adbusters are semi-produced and protected by a fair use policy.

  • Shows how some people have to get up early to find water, whereas others are spending thousands on taps/ bathroom items.
  • A binary opposition between people who have nothing and people who take things like water for granted.
  • The high angle image of the woman shows that she has nothing in her hands, implying that she stands for nothing as well as being vulnerable and small, due to having a lack of something.
  • She is in a bath and her hands are wrinkly, showing that she does have water, however, we can't see the water.
  • Her hand position could show her appreciation for having water.


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