The study of representation looks at:

1. The group, place or issue on which a media text is focusing.

2. The technical devices the media text uses in order to present these groups or issues.

3 The message about the group or issue being created within the text.

4. The impact of this message on the target audience.

(Use point, evidence, explain)

Scantily clad women upstaged by messy rooms- daily mirror article.
In the article, younger females are being showing wearing little clothing in their messy bedrooms. For the mise-en-scene, they've used pictures of messy bedrooms to show that the stereotypes about girls being messy are true. The group used are teenage girls. This can be seen as controversial because there are pictures of underage girls wearing little clothing on the internet and the audience doesn't know if they have consented to have their pictures on the internet. This can appeal to a male audience because it makes them happy. The daily mirror may have made this article to attract more male readers seeing as they have an audience of mainly females and want to expand it to both males and females. I personally don't like this article because it's objectifying young women (possibly without consent) and is shaming young women just for feeling confident in their own skin. I think it is sexist and a way to bring down their confidence and make them seem desperate. This article is an embarrassment to journalism because it's not focusing on anything important and there is barely anything written about it, just pictures of half naked females and some objectifying, unnecessary captions. The title "scantily clad women," sounds disrespectful and is language that is often associated by male pedophiles who are from an older generation. This shows that there is a possible target audience of males aged around 50-70. There is a message shown that teenage girls don't care about looking after their rooms, this constructs a representation that they are more focused on sexualising themselves. The readers, the teenage girls in the pictures and other teenage girls they represent are being manipulated by the article. Theres a use of cultivation theory in the article because it can change people's ideology on teenage girls.

The dominant ideology: obvious rules to follow.
Hegemony: The power displayed over us through consent and not through force (e.g: like being in school).

Judith Butler- Gender theory: He believes that sex is what you are born as, either a male or female but gender is something else. He believes that gender is like a performance (for example, acting like a man or acting like a woman). Its about the way we act.

Key theory 8- Feminist theory, Lisbet Van Zoonen

  • She believes that gander is constructed and varies between cultures and history. (example: being a man in 2017 is different to being a man in 2010).
  • She believes that society uses women's bodies to look at and they should all look a particular way. This is a part of western patriarchal culture.
  • In mainstream culture, the visual and narrative codes that are used to construct the male body as spectacle differ from those used to objectify the female body. 


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