Newspaper quiz

1 – Name 3 key differences between a broadsheet and a tabloid newspaper?
    Broadsheet is bigger, it is more political and tabloids are less formal and more "gossipy."

2 – Define Polysemy
    Multiple meanings.

3 – Define Bias
When someone as strong feelings or ideas about something so they base their writing on their expressions.

4 – What are two ways newspapers can be biased?
Politically biased.
Selection and emission (Selecting certain things and not mentioning other things at all).

5 – Define Agenda
    Certain aims of a newspaper to manipulate the reader's ideologies.

6. What is ideology?
    An idea and values expressed about something by the producer.

7. What are the four steps of representation? 
1. The group, place or issue on which a media text is focusing.
2. Technical devices used.
3. Message about the group being represented.
4. Impact of the message on the audience. 

8. Define hegemony
   Where one group has power over another group through consent.

9. What is the difference between sexualisation and objectification?
Sexualisation: the process of making something sexual.
Objectification: the process of dehumanising someone and treating them like an object.
10. What does Liesbet Van Zoonen theorise about gender?

11. What, arguably, is the difference between sex and gender?
    Sex is male or female (what you were born as) but gender is what you choose to identify as (E.g: male, female, trans etc).

12. What is the biggest selling newspaper in the UK? 
The sun.


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