Ideologies and representation of newspapers

Newsworthiness- the process of selecting which stories to include in the news.

"If it bleeds, it leads," this quote is said to show that if a story is to do wit murder/ death, then it will go on the front page.

Broadsheets- larger sized newspapers. Its more formal. Targeted towards middle class adults.

Tabloid/ redtop- usually targeted towards working class adults. (Less formal).

Intertextuality and audience interpretation.

Intertextuality- (Things coming together or between). Where a media product only makes sense through its reference to other media products. 
-Bart also referred to this process as referential codes. 

What images, events and media products does this front page make reference to?
  • Makes reference to disaster films, showing that Donald Trump being elected is a disaster. 
  • The background also 
  • The image of the statue of liberty crying makes reference to how many Americans (and others) feel about the election results.
  • They chose the statue of liberty, which is a powerful landmark, looking weak to show that America has become weak and vulnerable.  
  • The smoke in the background also makes reference to a world war.
What knowledge is assumed by the producer of this front page?
  • They've used the word "speeding" at the top of the page to make the death of the seven people sound even more scary but interesting. 
  • They are aware that Donald Trump winning the election is a negative thing for most people. 
  • They have written "what have they done?" showing that they are against Trump and are judging the results of the election in a negative way, challenging the Trump supporters. 
  • What ideological perspectives are encoded on this front page?
  • The hands over the face is symbolic to show that she is ashamed by what has happened in the USA.

Newspapers are politically biased:
  • Most of them are because some journalists use their own opinions when writing about specific things (especially political stories).
  • American news is more biased than UK news. This is because of the idea of "free speech."
  • Every newspaper has their own political viewpoints.

Newspapers generally appeal to older audiences:
  • Younger people see the news on social media rather than newspapers.
  • Papers are dying out now because its only older generations that buy and read them.

Newspapers tend to offer a very negative view of the world:
  • Most of the "popular" news stories are the negative ones.
  • People like reading about the bed things happening in the word.
  • There are some positive stories in newspapers but the majority of them are negative.

Ideology: A system of ideas and beliefs but often used to describe the ways in which those in power use their power to distort meaning. Ideology can be used to normalise the dominant ideas of the ruling class.

Left and right wing ideologies

The difference between left and right wing politics:

Right wing:
  • Work hard to earn a living.
  • Believe in equality.
  • Survival of the fittest.
  • They believe in economic freedom.
  • We should all look after ourselves.
  • Believe they shouldn’t have to pay for someone else’s education or health service.
  • They believe in freedom to succeed over equality.
  • They believe in individualism.
  • Benefit society from the top to the bottom.
  • They believe education should be private or home schooled.
Left wing:
  • Earn benefits if you can't/ don't work.
  • Main left wing parties are the Labour Party and the Green Party.
  • They believe in making laws that protect women, ethnic minorities, and gay people against discrimination.
  • They believe that we should tax rich people more to support people less well off.
  • They believe that a good welfare system means people are healthier, more able to work, and will put more back into the economy. 
  • They believe in helping others.
  • Benefit society from the bottom to the top.
  • The NHS is a left wing ideology.
  • Free education (paid for by taxes from everyone).


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