Analysing bias and the construction of representation in The Times and The Daily Mirror

The representation of America:

  • The Daily mirror, has shown that America is in trouble. 
  • This is because they have used a picture of the statue of liberty (something that represents freedom), with her hands on her face, showing despair.
  • This makes it seem like America is loosing hope and theres no freedom or equality anymore.
  • The background shows that theres destruction, implying that the results of the election aren't going to have a positive impact on America and the rest of the world.
  • The smoke in the background can be associated with war, violence, death and crime, showing that America is responsible for all of these negative things.  
  • The title "what have they done?" shows that something bad has happened and America is to blame, therefore representing America as a terrible country.
  • The negative representation of America is shown in the dark, monochrome colours, the smoke in the background and the statue of liberty's gesture.
  • The picture and title on the front page imply that the daily mirror don't agree with Trump. 
  • In the other daily mirror article, America has been represented in a less negative way. This is because they have a Latina woman, a disabled person and other ethnic groups , representing America as a diverse country.
  • There is also a picture of Donald Trump looking unprofessional (in order to paint a negative image of him) 
  • People look happy in the picture, however, there are negative captions all around the page. This can be done to show ignorance within Americans.
  • There is anger shown in some of the voters.
  • There are some stereotypical American looking white men in the picture, showing that it is mainly these stereotypical Americans that vote for Trump.
  • They've used a more professional looking photo of Hilary Clinton. The photo used makes her look like an independent, empowering woman, giving the audience a positive view of Hilary but a negative view of trump.
  • The pictures of Hilary and Trump are on opposite sides of the page, showing rivalry. Hilary is on the left side and Trump is on the right side, as if they are representing left and right wing politics. 
  • In the telegraph, there is a "powerful" looking photo of Trump. 
  • They paint a positive image of Trump and the results of the election.
  • There are brighter colours used in the double page spread (red, white and blue- American colours).
  • The quote "you will be so proud of your new president," is used in the article to reassure people that American's have made the right choice in voting for him. 
  • They repeat this phrase, this could be sarcastic and used to patronise the audience. 
  • The phrase sounds sinister because they use commanding words.

  • The Daily Mirror has politically backed The Labour Party The times has politically backed The Conservatives.
  • The Daily Mirror is biased against Donald Trump and saying "America's Brexit" suggesting that they don't agree with the decision showed by the people n the pictures being very stereotypical white trash with weird outfits and looks on their faces.
  • The Times seem to agree with Donald Trump with the photo showing him as a hero with the lighting and his fist in the air.
  • The daily mirror is a left wing newspaper. (Donald Trump however, follows right wing politics).
  • The gesture of the statue of liberty implies that she's ashamed of America.
  • The proairetic code suggests that something bad is going to happen like war.

1st daily mirror newspaper (front page):
Lead story

2nd daily mirror newspaper (double page article):
2 page spread

The times newspaper:
page numbers


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