Comparing Advertisement Genres
Gucci Advert
"We save the children" advert
- This advert has a lot of dark colors, which make it look glamorous and classy.
- The model in the poster is good looking which could appeal to heterosexual men or homosexual women but it can also attract the audience to the product, making them believe that if they buy this bag, then they can look as good as the model.
- The model is dressed in black, this could be to draw attention to the bag, which is a brighter color than everything else in the picture.
- There isn't a lot of text in the poster only the word"Gucci" in big white letters. The lack of text adds classiness but also makes us want to know more about the brand. They do this to create mystery and makes the audience wonder what will happen next (hermeneutic code).

"We save the children" advert
- Unlike the Gucci advert, this one has a lot of text. This could be used to show the audience that this advert is important and they should take the time to read it.
- The first line is the biggest piece of writing this is because it is the most important part and helps explain what the charity is aiming to do, which is help babies have a bright future.
- There is a close up shot of a baby sleeping, this shows innocence and vulnerability. This could also stir up some guilt within the audience because they will feel obliged to donate in order for these young, vulnerable children to have a decent life.
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