Case study- "Kiss of the vampire" movie poster

"Kiss of the vampire" movie poster

  • The style of font and picture quality shows us that this movie poster is old. 
  • It might have romantic relationships because of the two women and two men.
  • The women are wearing night dresses (which isn't considered decent in the 1960's), this could appeal to heterosexual males because it could give them pleasure.
  • The poster seems to show dominance in one of the male characters, this could mean that men are the target audience because they would enjoy watching something that represented them as strong and powerful. 
  • The word "kiss",  is sinister due to everyone knowing that if a vampire tries to kiss someone then it probably means they want to bite them. 
  • The word "kiss" also has connotations with love meaning there could be some romance in the movies however, because it is a vampire movie, it could show abusive relationships not "normal" ones.
  • This poster clearly isn't from this time because of the slip dresses worn by the women (something that was popular in the 1960's but not anymore).
  • Genre conventions of this poster: gothic horror.
  • Hermeneutic code: why is one of the men passed out? Why does the dark haired woman have no shoes on?
  • Symbolic code: The moon symbolises the genre of horror and is often related to vampires. One of the men is wearing red, symbolising blood but also romance.
  • Proairetic code: Why does the man in red look afraid? Why does the dark haired woman look like she is struggling with something? What is she struggling with?
  • Disequilibrium: This narrative is unbalanced because an important event is taking place in the photograph.
  • The "damsel in distress" is wearing a nightgown (by 1960's standards it is like wearing underwear), this could have connotations of sex. This represents women as objects rather than people. Objectification: The process of representing an individual as an object. This also presumes that it is okay to mistreat women as if they aren't people and can't make their own decisions (it takes away their humanity).  Dehumanisation: The process of representing an individual for sexual purposes.
  • Binary opposition: light and dark, innocence and vampires, "kiss" and vampires, males and females, power and helplessness.


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