Audience and media effects

Audience and media effects

(Key theory 15)
Albert Bandura- Media effects

What happens if you watch too much TV/ YouTube/ play too many video games?
Can make people anti social, lazy, change their personalities and become unhappy however, it could allow people to accept bias ideologies and expand their imagination.
If people play too many video games, they might think that everything in this wold is a game and nothing should be taken seriously.

The hypodermic needle model:
It shows that the producers are brainwashing the audience.

Mass media is media which can be spread to mass audiences quickly and easily (e.g: TV).

Advantages of mass media:
It can get important messages across quickly.

Disadvantages of mass media:
It can be used in the wrong ways (to create unnecessary panic and fear).
It can send false messages to the audience, which will spread around to people quickly and they will end up receiving the wrong information.
It is easier for a serial killer to blame media on what they did rather than mental illness.


(Key theory 16)
 George Gerbner- Cultivation theory

"The idea that prolonged and heavy exposure to [TV]... cultivates", as in grows or develops n audiences "a view of the world consiste
nt with the dominant or majority view expounded by television."

Television presents a mainstream view of culture, ignoring everything else. In doing so, TV distorts reality. Heavy TV users are more likely to accept this edited and distorted view of reality.

Issues with his theory:

  • Not everyone watches excessive amounts of TV
  • It doesn't take in the complexity of the human mind, its very simplistic. 

                           What ideologies are preset in this advert?

  • The ideology that women are supposed to cook and clean.
  • Women should wear make-up (a way to look attractive for heterosexual men).
  • There is an ideology that if women don't wear make-up then they are deemed socially unattractive. 
  • The woman in the poster is the archetype housewife.
  • Another ideology thats been cultivated is that the woman wants to clean and actually enjoys it, this is shown in the picture where she's hugging the product as well as the fact that she has a full face of make up just to clean. 

Hegemony- one group wields power over another, not through domination, but through coercion and consent. 

Hegemonic power:
  • The school system.
  • Political hegemony.
  • Patriarchal hegemony.
  • Hegemonic structure of class.
  • Cultural hegemony.

Non-hegemonic power:
  • Military conquest.

Rules we follow everyday: (rules we don't have to follow but do so anyway)
  • Go to college.
  • Queuing up.
  • Drive on the left side of the road.
  • Crossing at traffic lights.
  • Stop at zebra crossings.
  • Don't drink bleach.
  • Wearing clothes. 
Coca Cola Advert:
  • Theres an ideology that women need to be slim and blonde in order to be attractive.
  • They are sitting on a roof, implying that they are reckless and brave. 
  • Ideology that women have fun and enjoy relaxing rather than men who have to work.
  • The hegemonic ideology presented shows that skinny women can wear whatever they want, do what they want and are deemed beautiful by society.
  •  Theres a cultural hegemonic code that they are sunbathing in the middle of the city instead of a beach.
  • They are sitting on a rooftop, shows that they have money ad a lot of free time to relax and sit around (it could show that they are successful and don't have to work hard like most people).
  • This advert has an ideology that sex is important.
  • It shows that coke is a seasonal drink that people associate with summer and relaxation (the girls in the picture are relaxing showing that relaxation is important for coke).
  • The soft colours are used to associate purity and innocence. 
  • Looking at this advert shows that attractive, young, successful women drink coke. 


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