Charity advertising 

What is the purpose of a charity advert?
A way to make the audience feel guilty and help.

How do they work?
They try to get support from the public and establish a cause.

What mode of address do they take?
They use direct adress to make each individual feel personally responsible to help. They also use visual codes to make people feel sympathetic. 

What conventions do they demonstrate?
They use a soft, sympathetic voiceover and sad music to make the audience feel like they must donate. They also show clips of poor people or someone with a disease etc..

How do they position the audience?
They make the audience feel guilty but also grateful for what they have, therefore making the audience want to donate.

NSPCC-"Open your eyes" advert

  • They use names of children to make it feel more personal.
  • The advert is in black and white, giving it a gloomy, depressing vibe.
  • The helpline number is repeatedly mentioned and placed on the screen. (This can be used to push the audience into donating).
  • There is sad music in the ad. 
  • The high camera angles show the vulnerability of the children.
  • There are children used in the video looking directly at the camera (a form of direct address).
  • Direct adress used repeatedly "open YOUR eyes", "YOUR £2 can help", etc..
  • The body language and facial appearances of the children is used to make the audience feel sympathetic.
  • There is a blank screen in the first shot, with a child crying in the background. This can be used to give the audience an idea of how abused children feel.
  • The child actors are wearing tatty, worn out clothes to show that they need the money.
  •  The advert positions the audience as the abuser because they are saying that if the audience doesn't donate then they are just as bad as the abuser. 

Water aid 2013 advert
  • They show real life people
  • They show the people drinking the dirty water to make the audience feel sympathetic.
  • Sad, slow music in the background. 
  • A helpline number is shown throughout the whole advert.
  • The actors are looking directly at the camera (shows representation) towards the audience.
  • Direct adress. "you do" have a choice.. (shows that the audience are the ones who can change their lives)
  • Its targeted towards British people who are more fortunate than those in third world countries.
  • The colours used are gloomy at first but later change to brighter colours when they actors in the advert get clean water (binary opposition). The change to brighter colours is a symbolic code used to show hope.
Water aid advert "Claudia sings sunshine on a rainy day."
  • Shows the positives on how life can be for those without water after the audience donates.
  • The girl is alone before she gets clean water but later on, is joined by a group of people after they get clean water.
  • She is singing and seems happy even though she is struggling to get clean water in the heat- The girl is trying to stay positive, this can make the audience feel happy for her and want to donate.
  • This advert is focusing less on inflicting sympathy within the audience, but wants them to donate out of happiness. 
  • Water is used as a symbolic code of hope, happiness, health and new opportunities.
  • Women are represented as strong and powerful.
  • This picture from the advert shows that the girl lives in a dry, hot place, clearly somewhere where rain doesn't fall often so they don't get a lot of clean water. Normally, someone living in a place like that wouldn't be positive but the girl is singing "make me feel like I belong," this shows that even though she's living in a "horrible," dry land, she's happy and believes that place is like her home. 

  • The children in the video are happy and seem to be enjoying the hot, dry day. This makes the audience feel happy because they don't have to feel sympathetic towards these joyful children. 
  • The advertisers have decided to ad this shot of the children paying to show that with the money donated, children can enjoy their childhood without worrying about drinking dirty water. 

  • This shot shows binary opposition. This is because it is showing a summer in England, where it is raining, then later on shows a summer somewhere in Africa.  
  • This shot can make the audience feel guilty because rain is something we get a lot in England but is taken for granted. However, if the people in the dry, african village got rain more often, they would be more grateful because it means they'll get more clean water. 

  • This shot is used at the end of the advert. It has all the details for the audience to donate. Unlike many charity adverts, there is no direct adress being used. This might make the advert appear more friendly to the audience and encourage them to donate because they won't feel forced to do so. 
  • The end clip shows a girl carrying a bucket of water on her head. This implies that she is struggling to survive and if the audience donates, then she no longer has to and can worry about things important to a young person like school etc. 


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