Key Assessment (June)
Revision for mock exam Sonia livingstone &peter lunt (key theory 13)- regulation. Newspapers can't use slander, online however, its different. David Hesmondhalgh (key theory 14)- cultural industries Media producers try to minimise risk and maximise audiences through vertical and horizontal integration, and by formatting their cultural products. e.g: through use of stars, genres and serials. Key terms: Distribution- how producer gives product to audience. Production- how product is made. Circulation- Number of copies printed. Jargon- subject specific language. Technological change (internet) vs printed newspaper Printed newspapers have a lower circulation than before (18% lower for daily mirror). Advantages of Print based media: Employs more people. Not reliant on technology. Disadvantages of print based media: Circulation costs money Distribution costs money. People have to leave their house to buy it. Younger generations access ev...